Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Blogs and fairs....

Fashion! Remodeling! Artistry! Mad skills!! All the lovely blogs of note that I have been reading boast of such interesting subjects and have such lovely sketches or photos to accompany the postings, it makes my little blog seem rather unimpressive! I really have no purpose for blogging, although I wish I did. And quite honestly…I have a life! I rarely have time or energy or motivation to sit down and check my email, let alone blog! I haven’t spent any time writing or drawing or photographing anything lately either. It’s not that my life isn’t exciting, because it is! I guess blogging just isn’t high in my priorities…
Well anyhow, this week is my week of county fairs. I went to 2 fairs so far and I have 2 more to go to. Unfortunately the fair yesterday left me with a rather upset tummy and a family feud. The tummy trouble I think I can accredit to the delicious chopped pork sandwich, coffee, and shaved ice… somewhere in that mix something disagreed with me! The family feud was somewhat settled, but I’m afraid there are some people still upset with me. You see, I believe that men should be respectful of women. I don’t care if they want to share vulgar jokes with their buddies, but when a girl is around…not so much! I can only put up with so much of that! And when a girl asks a guy to stop talking about an offensive subject… well boys, please just stop. Anyhow, our last hours at the fair were tense ones. And I didn’t get an elephant ear. Or a ride on the Farris wheel. Depressing… but I still have a chance!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

black dress?

Good news ladies!! I think I found the perfect little black dress! It is truly a miracle! I’m actually not sure how much I like it yet, but my boyfriend liked it, a LOT, and normally he doesn’t have an opinion about clothes. I’m not sure how I feel about that either. But at any rate, the dress fits, it looks good, and its cute and its comfy! What more can a girl ask for?

In other news, I spent too much time working outside in the sunshine today with too little water and earned myself a splitting headache and light headedness. So I’ve been sitting in AC drinking ice water every since I got off work.

Don’t have much to say today…just felt like writing…. I rather like writing. I think I’m going to shop for cars online. Or dresses. Or high heels! Or maybe I’ll go watch a movie…. I’m not indecisive at ALL am I….

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I have a problem. It’s called life. Well it’s not actually a problem, but since the last time I posted I have gotten a job and a boyfriend and had my 21st birthday and only ridden horses ONCE (SAD DAY!!!) and my sister has moved from NC to CA and the average daily temperature has gone from 50 to 90. Oh, and my other sister graduated high school, and I went from 40hrs a week at my “new” job to 15, so now I am looking for a second job. And you know how I hate job hunting… ugh. But all of that to say- I got so busy I forgot about YOU!

On the other hand, I havent forgotten my garden, and it is looking amazing….except for one thing. Darn raccoons. They insist on ravaging every single plant in the garden at LEAST once a week! Yesterday I walked back to check it and seventeen plants had been dug up. So like the faithful gardener I am, I re-planted and watered them so that the little pests could dig up four more today. I go through this at least once a week, it is getting on my last nerve! My lovely ferns and impatients and blue star creepers and ivy and columbines are not having an easy time of it this year. Neither is the lone gnome statue…he gets drug from one end of the garden to the other every night. On the bright side, my hanging baskets are doing lovely!

I watched the movie Julie and Julia today, and it inspired me to do two things- return to my blog and cook! Alas, my mother has taken over the kitchen with her applesauce making (yes, I still live at home….hopefully not for long!) so I cant cook. So I am blogging instead. Not that anyone particularly cares that I blog, but I enjoy writing, so I’ll blog if I darn well want to! I’ll probably eat something instead of cooking something. I enjoy doing that too J probably too much…but then who DOESN’T enjoy food?

Well, I’m off to call the boy and pester him out of his mind…. Lord bless him, he’s so patient with my chatter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Discovery on a cloudy day

Have you ever woken up one day and thought to yourself, “I want to discover something new today!” I don’t know what it is, but every once in a while I get this thirst for a good adventure or mystery. One day last week I woke up with this feeling mildly stirring in my head, so before I even ate breakfast I put on some old clothes and got together some essentials for exploring. Now there isn’t really a whole lot to explore near where I live, but we do own a portion of a small forest and sometimes I hike through it looking for new streams and such. One time I found a large junk pile, but I never thought much of it because it looked like mostly tires and broken boards. But I vaguely remembered there being several miscellaneous piles of older-looking junk, some bottles and fencing mixed in with Lord-only-knows what. So, last week, I went to investigate. And to be honest, I have this project garden that I’ve been working on and I was kind of hoping to find some interesting objects to use as planters or trellises for some of my flowers.

So, I put on my boots and found my way through the early spring mud to the old junk pile. I was rather delighted to discover that there were several old bottles still fully intact lying about in between trees and fencing and scraps of metal. You see, in my family on my dad’s side we have quite the reputation for being junk collectors. My grandparents and 2 uncles are avid “antiquers.” My parents are not, but I think a little bit of the love for antiques runs through my blood. I love a good mystery, and I love history, so discovering those old bottles was like finding a piece of the past that someone had abandoned, and I wanted to know why! I picked out a few and cleaned them up, photographed them, and began searching on Google for “clues.”

I didn’t find out a whole lot, most of the bottles are from the WWII era from what I can tell. It doesn’t look like I found a real “treasure” but they are in fairly good shape and might make interesting decorations somewhere. I chose a few and have them hanging from a low branch on a tree in my garden, which sounds rather weird, but it actually looks kind of cool and goes well with the rest of my garden!

Here’s a few pictures of my finds for you…maybe you will know more about them than me :-)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 1

Well I’ve never blogged before, but I do write in journals all the time. Not much different, right?

My official blogging name is Gizem. It’s a Turkish name I found that means “mysterious” which I thought was appropriate for a blog where I’d rather not reveal my true identity! It’s possible that no one will ever read this, but just to stay on the safe side…

Anyhow, I am a part time college student and currently trying to find a job. For all of you fellow job seekers out there- good luck! I am convinced that our quest will come to an end someday as long as we never give up! Key word-SOMEDAY. I know someone who put in over 100 applications, only had one interview, and still ended up with a job, so there MUST be hope for me! I have managed to land my second interview (in 2 years of searching), so keep your fingers crossed for me! If all goes well, I shall soon be joining the monochromatic community of waitresses dressed in black and white, keeping a smile pasted on no matter what the customer demands.

“What’s that? You want your toast one and one-eighth of an inch thick? With exactly one teaspoon of butter? And no crust? And organic multi-grain bread? Toasted for exactly 52 seconds? No problem, sir!”

That’s gunna be me! Cheerful and ready to serve…even if I WOULD rather toss him the bread and toaster and tell him “Do it yourself!”

Well I must be off, until next time…